
Archibald macleish brave new world summary and analysis
Archibald macleish brave new world summary and analysis

archibald macleish brave new world summary and analysis

Try not to let any article in the better grade of magazines, or any allusion in the course of daily reading, remain utterly meaningless and mystifying to you. Do not scorn “outlines” and summaries, for it is better to have only a smattering of things than to remain with vast total blanks in your knowledge of what lies around you. Try to read at least a few things in each of the great branches of human thought and expression, so that you may have a rough, connected idea of what is known about the universe, matter, the world, organic life, mankind, the stream of history, and the major achievements of the race in philosophy, government, literature, and the various arts. No other age has been as rich as the present in facilities for adult education. Ask the nearest library for a circular about this service-called “Reading with a Purpose”. Public libraries nowadays offer very valuable advice, based on the individual tastes and needs of each reader. Do not despise the recommendations of teachers, librarians, authors, and others in a position to judge. In general, read what interests you most but within that range choose the things which are recognised as the best literature or soundest scholarship.

Archibald macleish brave new world summary and analysis